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Tomato Ginger Soup

Tomato Ginger Soup

This soup is a year-round favorite of mine because tinned tomatoes are one of the few processed foods I use. Thus, this soup need not wait upon tomatoes in season.  Use fresh tomatoes when they are available, and tinned tomatoes as the perfectly acceptable alternative. The fresh tomatoes by the way cook quickly and need little preparation. This is a refreshing soup and makes a sparkling starter. It re-heats nicely.




1 lb (450g) fresh or tinned tomatoes

3 tablespoons fresh ginger, coarsely chopped

2 pints (1.1 ltr) chicken stock

1 tablespoon light soy sauce

2 teaspoons chili bean sauce

2 teaspoons sugar

Fresh Cilantro, basil or herb of your choice for garnish


  1. If you are using fresh tomatoes, cut them in half horizontally.
  2. Squeeze the seeds out and coarsely chop the tomatoes and set aside.
  3. Put the stock into a saucepan and bring to simmering point. Add the ginger, soy sauce, chili bean sauce, sugar, and tomatoes. Simmer for 2 minutes. Serve at once. 


Pro Tip:

* The recipe can easily be doubled, which makes it perfect for entertaining a number of friends.

* For a Southeast Asian touch, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

* For hot summer days, serve this at room temperature.

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